
The ISEED team are always writing and producing new things to read. Below are some of our recent publications.

Scientific Publications

Political Representation and Lay Expertise. Bodini, P. 2024. Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics, 26(2), 401-420.

A dataset of citizen science practitioners’ experiences and practices. O’Grady, M., & Mangina, E. 2024. Data in Brief56, 110779.

Citizen scientists—practices, observations, and experience. O’Grady, M., & Mangina, E. 2024. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-9.  Associated dataset openly published here.

Challenges and Future Directions for Integrating Healthcare Wearable Sensors into Smart Cities and Communities. A. Domaradzka. M. Biesaga. M. Roszczynska-Kurasinska. E. Domaradzka. 2024. ScholarSpace. In Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

The problem of low participation in participatory budgeting from the perspective of adoption of innovation. M. Roszczynska-Kurasinska, A. Rychwalska, N. Wróblewska. 2024. ScholarSpace. In Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

LDA2Net Digging under the surface of COVID-19 scientific literature topics via a network-based approach. Minello, G., Santagiustina, C. R. M. A., & Warglien. M. Plos one. 2024. 19(4), e0300194.

Beyond Data: Recognizing the Democratic Potential of Citizen Science. M. Roszczyńska-Kurasińska, A. Domaradzka, M. O’Grady, B. Bedessem, N. Tempini, M. Trochymiak, N. Wróblewska. IEEE. 2023.

Citizen science for public deliberation of local environment policies. Bedessem, B., Sourdril, A., Baumstark, V., Dos Santos, L., Gonzalez, E., Pelletier, C., … & Julliard, R. 2023. Etica e Politica/Ethics and Politics, 25(2), 105-127.

How to trust experts without being one of them? E. Montuschi. CHESS. 2023; Working Paper No 2023-02.

Understanding What In Public Understanding of Science. B. Bedessem, E. Montuschi. Perspectives on Science. 2023; vol. 31, no. 6.

The ethics of data self-reporting: important issues and best practices. Tempini, N. 2023. F1000Research12, 485.

Technological Innovations for Citizen Environmental Participation: Case of Poland. M. Roszczynska-Kurasinska, N. Wróblewska. Sustainability. 2023; 15(6):5031.

The effect of the pandemic on European narratives on smart cities and surveillance. Biesaga M., Domaradzka A., Roszczynska-Kurasinska M., Talaga S., Nowak A. Urban Studies. 2023; 0(0).

Adoption of responsible research and innovation in citizen observatories. O’Grady, M., & Mangina, E. 2022. Sustainability14(12), 7379.

Participatory citizen science in solar energy research: going beyond data collection to promote the energy transition. Barbosa, L., Cañizo, C. D., & Revuelta, G. 2022. JCOM. 2022; 21 (02): N06.

Looking before we leap: Expanding ethical review processes for AI and data science research. Petermann, M., Tempini, N., Kherroubi Garcia, I., Whitaker, K., & Strait, A. 2022. Co-authored and published with Ada Lovelace Institute and Alan Turing Institute, London

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eight European countries: Prevalence, determinants, and heterogeneity. Steinert, J. I., Sternberg, H., Prince, H., Fasolo, B., Galizzi, M. M., Büthe, T., & Veltri, G. A. 2022. Science advances8(17), eabm9825.

The architecture of partisan debates: The online controversy on the no-deal Brexit. Santaguistina, C.R.M.A. & Warglien, M. PLoS one. 2022. 17(6), e0270236.

A standard for public consultation on science communication: the CONCISE project experience. Llorente, C., Revuelta, G., Dziminska, M., Warwas, I., Krzewińska, A., & Moreno, C. 2022. Journal of Science Communication21(3), N02.

Science, Philosophy, Practice: Lessons from Use. Montuschi, E. 2022. Philosophy in the Contemporary World28(1), 63-86.

Measuring epistemic success of citizen science programmes: a citation study in ecology. Julliard R., Bedessem B., Montuschi E. PLOS One. 2021. (Public Library of Science).

Can citizen science increase trust in research? A case study of delineating Polish metropolitan area
Bedessem, B., Gawronska-Nowak, B., Lis, P. Journal of Contemporary European Research. 2021; 2.

Argumentation and Polarization. Giuseppe Veltri (UNITN).

Discussion Papers

Discussion Paper based on ISEED Deliverable 2.1
What it means for non-professional scientists ‘to understand’ specific knowledge products, and to what extent this type of understanding entails both an epistemological and a political type of assessment.

Manuscript for Academic Paper presenting the Typology for Civic Engagement. Frederik Rosén (DBT).

Other Works by ISEED Members

Bibliographical survey of participative science programs. Work Package 2. Denia E.

Social participation in science: Perspectives of Spanish civil society organizations. Public Understanding of Science Llorente C., Revuelta G., Carrió M., Sage Journals, 2021, 30(1):36-54.

Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems. Morris, C., Kaljonen, M., Aavik, K., Balázs, B., Cole, M., Coles, B., Efstathiou, S.,Fallon, T. et al., Nature,(2021)  Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 

Knowing, relationships and trust—citizens’ perceptions of whole genome sequencing for the Genetics Clinic of the Future Schumann, S., Gschmeidler, B.,  Pellegrini, G. (2020).  Journal of community genetics 11.

Knowledge repositories. In digital knowledge we trust. Tsjalling, S and S. Efstathiou, (2020)  Medicine, Health care and Philosophy. vol. 23.

Citizens–experts’ interactions under different institutional arrangements: assessing the role of uncertainty, interests, and values Bogliacino, F., Codagnone, C., & Veltri, G. A. (2019). Journal of Institutional Economics, 1–19.

Supporting participative pre‐flood risk reduction in a UNESCO biosphere O’Grady, M. J., Evans, B., Eigbogba, S., Muldoon, C., Campbell, A. G., Brewer, P. A., & O’Hare, G. M. (2019).  Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12(S2), e12520

Digital orphans: Data closure and openness in patient-powered networks Tempini, N., Del Savio, L., 2019.  BioSocieties 14, 205–227.

Urban social movements and the right to the city: An introduction to the special issue on urban mobilization. Domaradzka, A. (2018). VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29(4), 607-620.