November, 2023

November, 2023

Welcome to our Newsletter 11th edition! We had three more ISEED National Workshop on the Future of Democracy in Uruguay, Spain and France and another episode of our Inclusion, Science and Democracy webinar series. Let’s review it!   


ISEED’s National Workshops in Uruguay, France and Spain

ISEED’s partner Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay (MEC-URU) organized the ISEED National Workshop last October 28th.  

Together, local politicians, citizens and academics discussed the different scenarios proposed, making a series of very valuable prioritized recommendations that consider the Uruguayan democratic reality in Latin America, enriching the cultural diversity of the final results.

ISEED’s partner Mosaic (MNHN) helped by the Parisian association Traces, organized their National Workshop on the 7th of November. It gathered 12 people from different backgrounds: academics, teachers, public representatives, students, and NGOs.


The exercise wasn’t easy, but everyone naturally kindly took part in the discussions and shared their point of view. The debates were rich and constructive, and led to interesting recommendations that will be gathered to all the other National Workshops conclusions.

ISEED’s partner Center for Studies in Science, Communication, and Society at Pompeu Fabra University (SCS-UPF) hosted the third workshop addressing the future of democracy and ecological transition. On the 9th of November, this event brought together a diverse group of twenty-two participants, who examined each scenario’s implications for citizen participation, considering the ecological transition’s challenges and potentials. 

Facilitated by moderators through a combination of group and plenary sessions, participants formulated a total of 17 recommendations. These recommendations, alongside those from the other five national workshops, will be compiled into a comprehensive report to be shared with the European Commission. Stay tuned for further updates on these key recommendations!


ISEED’s Webinar Series presents in its fourth episode: Heather Douglas!

On November 16th, we aired the fourth episode of the ISEED Webinar Series “Inclusion, Science and Democracy“.

“Engaging Publics in Science:  Ontologies and their Implications for Epistemic, Ethical, and Political Concerns” presented by Heather Douglas, MSU Professor in Philosophy of Science and Advisory Board Member. The event was chaired by ISEED Project Coordinator Eleonora Montuschi

The webinar explored issues of trust and values in science and science literature, how public engagement can inform and shape science and science policy through key value judgement processes.

In addition, Heather Douglas approached how to better organize and implement public engagement by prioritizing the bi-directionality of interactions between citizens and experts while identifying the distinctive strengths and limitations that are specific to different types of audiences.

In particular, a fourfold typology of publics (volunteers, demographically representative samples, stakeholders and communities) would allow scientists to design public engagement approaches based on the target audience and mindfully choose their purposes.  

If you would like to find out more about the topics discussed, you can enjoy the full episode on our Youtube Channel!

Text: Carolina Llorente, Céline Pelletier, Chiara Lovati, Enzo Frissa
Edit: Enzo Frissa and Sarah Santos
Last updated: 06/12/2023

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