Perspectives and Perceptions on Citizen Science
Perspectives and Perceptions on Citizen Science
Finding a deeper understanding of data practices in Citizen Science
This survey is now closed! Results to be posted soon!
Perspectives and Perceptions on Citizen Science is a survey that focuses on the experiences and perspectives of citizen scientists. The term “citizen scientist” may be interpreted very broadly for this survey.
Citizens scientists are basically members of the public who collect and sometimes analyse data to help answer research questions. They may collaborate with professional scientists, local community groups, online communities, or other organizations. Citizen scientists volunteer their own time and efforts to further scientific knowledge.
The research team will use this survey’s results to compile a report for policymakers, among others. The survey consists of a suite of questions that can be quickly answered. An opportunity to make observations is provided at the end, should anyone wish to comment in more detail on their experiences. It is envisaged that the survey could be completed in 20 minutes. It is emphasized that the survey is anonymous – no identifiable data is requested or should be provided. A report detailing the results of this survey will be made freely and publicly available in the latter half of 2023.
If you have participated in a science project in recent years, please complete the survey!
Thanks to our international team, the survey has been translated by native speakers to 9 languages! Making it more #accessible and #inclusive. You can choose what is more comfortable for you among:
The organizers thank all who dedicated their time and energy to citizen science activities and can contribute to this survey!