Day 1 – Final Conference


Tuesday, June 11th

Welcome and Introduction

On the 1st day of the Final Conference, the coordinator Eleonora Montuschi (UNIVE) welcome and thanked the members for the ISEED 3 years journey. Eleonora also thanked Massimo Busuoli, who introduced the facilities of the NTNU Office in Brussels.

Eleonora followed by presenting, by means of an introduction, how the concept of deliberative participation has been conceptualised throughout the different strands of research within the life cycle of the project, and how – in the light of the results and outputs of the project – such concept might meet some of the needs of good democratic life.

That was followed by an overall description of the Conference.

Citizen Participation in ISEED: from Science to Democracy

This discussion counted on the participation of ISEED coordinator Eleonora Montuschi (UNIVE), Sebastiano Bavetta (UNIPA), Gema Revuelta (UPF), Carolina Llorente (UPF), Adriana Dimova (ARC Fund), Pierluigi Barrotta (UNIPI) and a Q&A and general discussion was placed in the end of the session.

The coordinating team that assembled the project’s ultimate vision of democratic citizen participation delineated how a worthy idea of engaged citizenship (in ways that can be qualified) can emerge from fostering different forms of citizen/community-based science, and how it can become equally beneficial to the practice of science and the good of society.

Photo Gallery

Here you will find all pictures from Day 1 of the Final Conference!

Text: Eleonora Montuschi and Sarah Santos
Edit: Sarah Santos
Last updated 28/06/2024